
Basic Search

In order to conduct a full-text search, please enter one or several search words in the search window "Free text" . This field may not be empty in the Basic Search function.

  • If you enter several terms in the search window, the system automatically links them with an "and" operator.
  • Capitalization and small letters are irrelevant.
  • You can refine the search by setting a + (for "and") or a – (for "not") before the search term, e.g. linguistik +slavistik -romanistik.
  • Phrase Search: With a phrase search you can search for word sequences. In order to do so, please enter the words in quotation marks (" ") in exact order, e.g. "thomas mann künstler philosoph".
  • Searches that merely consist of stopwords (words that appear very often in texts, such as "the", "is", "der", "die") are being ignored in the Search. In order to search with active stopwords, please proceed with a phrase search, e.g. "to be or not to be" .
  • Avoid searching very common like for example z.B. "der", "die" oder "das", they can cause performance-issues. Seach common words in phrases instead for example "to be or not to be".

Auto completion: If Java Script is activated in your browser, auto completion is activated after the entry of the third letter of your search term in the search window. Suggestions for search terms, displayed in a list, consist of words from the texts indexed for Digi20.

Start of the search: Start the search by clicking the button "Search" If you change any parameter in your search, or if you want to change the sorting order of your result texts, please click the Search-button again.

With a click on "Advanced Search" you will be lead to a search form with more search criteria. With the link "New Search" you can start a new Basic Search.

Advanced Search

With the Advanced Search you can search full-texts by entering one or several search words in the search window "Full text" .

In contrary to the Basic Search, the field "Full-text Search" may be empty. In this case, you conduct a Metadata Search . However, at least one other field must be filled out.

  • If you enter several terms in the search window, the system automatically links them with an OR operator.
  • Capitalization and small letters are irrelevant.
  • You can refine the search by setting a (+) for "and" or a (–) for "not" before the search term, e.g. linguistik +slavistik -romanistik .
  • Search words can be abbreviated with a star (*) Single letters can be replaced by a question mark (?) This is a so called truncation, e.g. linguist* finds linguisten, linguistisch and linguistik , bzw. m?ller finds müller, moller and miller . Please note that you can only use truncation at the end of a word.
  • Phrase Search: With a phrase search you can search for word sequences. In order to do so, please enter the words in quotation marks (" ") and in exact order, e.g. "thomas mann künstler philosoph" .
  • Searches that merely consist of stopwords (words that appear very often in texts, such as "the", "is", "der", "die") are being ignored in the Search. In order to search with active stopwords, please proceed with a phrase search, e.g. "to be or not to be" .
  • Search with a certain word spacing e.g. "thomas mann künstler philosoph"~10 i.e. words have to have no more than 10 words between each other.

For a refined search, the Advanced Search provides three search fields with specific search attributes in respective drop-down menus. Additionally you can search in exact years of publication and in specific subject areas.

Search attributes in the drop-down menus for the Metadata Search in detail:

  • Title: Enter relevant and crucial words from the title. You don’t have to type in the entire title.
  • Series: Indicate the series.
  • Author/ Editor: Enter the name of the author, if you don’t know the given name, omit it.
  • Publisher: Indicate the publisher.
  • Place of publication: Indicate the place of publication
  • Subject heading: Type in a keyword (in German). This field is linked with the German Subject Authority File (SWD) .

All Search attributes can be linked with "and" and "not" . In order to do so, please select the respective link in the drop-down menu on the left.

Search in the year of publication: You can refine your search additionally by searching in specific years of publication. Example: If you want to retrieve only works that were published between 1890 and 1910, enter the numbers 1890 and 1910 in the two fields and link them with the operator "and". If you want to exclude publications between 1890 and 1910 from your search, use the operator "not".

Wortstamm-Suche: TEXT FEHLT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Refining the search with subject areas: The classification of subject areas derives from the German RVS classification. An implementation of the DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification) is in preparation.

Sorting order of search results: You can sort results according to relevance, the year of publication or title. Additionally you can select a descending or ascending order. The default setting is a sorting according to relevance in a descending order, i.e. the result with the highest relevance is displayed on top.

Display of result texts: In addition to each result, you can choose to see the result texts with highlighted search words as an image section. In order to do so, simply select "Display result texts". Please note that this may cause longer loading times.

Start of the search: Start the search by clicking the button "Search" . If you change any parameter in your search, or if you want to change the sorting order of your result texts, please click the Search-button again.

With a click on "Advanced Search" , you will be lead to a search form with more search criteria. With the link "New Search" you can start a new Advanced Search.

Search result – result list

As a result of your search query, you will receive a list of all hits as an overview. The title of each result is linked with the scan of the first page of the respective work. Below the title, you find the bibliographical data of the work (author, publisher, place and year of publication, call number, subject area, subject heading). !!!!!!!!!!!ENGLISCH ÜBERSETZEN Wurde "Treffertexte anzeigen" ausgewählt, werden diese mit farblich hervorgehobenen Suchwort angezeigt. !!!!!!!!!!!ENGLISCH ÜBERSETZEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ENGSCHLISCHE ÜBERSETZUNG Kontext / Suche im Band: An dieser Stelle können Sie Ihre Suche im jeweiligen Band weiter einschränken. Sie erhalten eine Liste aller Treffer im Band als Bildausschnitt mit farbig hinterlegten Suchbegriffen.

Sie können zusätzlich entscheiden, ob die Treffer nach Relevanz oder Scan-Nr. absteigend oder aufsteigend sortiert werden sollen. Zu einem Scan gelangen Sie entweder direkt über einen Klick auf den Bildausschnitt oder über die Buch-Grafik. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ENGSCHLISCHE ÜBERSETZUNG

Search result – Display of a single result

On the left side, you find the bibliographical data of the work and links to the DFG-Viewer and to a PDF-download.

DFG-viewer: Displays the single scans in the DFG-Viewer.

PDF-download: If used exclusively for private or scientific ends, you can download the single scans as a PDF file.

Display of the scans: Each scan is displayed in the middle of the screen. Please note that the number of the scan and the page number is not identical and hence does normally not correspond! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ACHTUNG ENGLISCH ÜBERSETZEN!!!!!In der Menüleiste können Sie im Dokument Vor- und Zurückblättern, zum nächsten oder vorherigen Treffer springen sowie über ein Feld in der Mitte per Zahleneingabe direkt zu einem bestimmten Scan springen. Oberhalb der Menüleiste befindet sich ein "Information-Panel". Hier können Sie zum einen zu der Trefferliste zurückkehren und zum anderen den aktuellen Band nach dem eingegebenen Suchwort durchsuchen. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ACHTUNG ENGLISCH ÜBERSETZEN!!!!!

Search Instructions

In case no matches were found for your search query:

  • Pay attention to a correct spelling of the search word.
  • Try more general search words.
  • Use different search words.
  • Try a spelling with hyphen.

In case your search query generated too many results:

  • Use Phrase Search e.g. "thomas mann künstler philosoph".
  • Enter a (+) (for "and") in front of each search word, e.g. linguistik +slavistik .
  • Enter a (–) (for "not") in front of each word you want to exclude, e.g. linguistik -romanistik .
  • Use more concrete search words.

General information for using Digi20

Subject heading cluster: The Subject heading cluster consists of SWD - subject headings used for the indexed documents in the Digi20-Project.

Language settings: Currently the website provides a German and an English version (as at March 2011). You can switch languages by selecting the respective flag in the navigation bar.

Font size settings: You can gradually change the font size of the website by clicking on the links “A A A” in the upper right corner of your screen. Please note that the degree of the zoom is corresponding to a “normal” font (100%). That means, in case of an altered presetting of the zoom in your browser, the font size might appear disproportionately small or big. In this case, check the zoom factor in your browser and if necessary reset it to 100% (Strg + 0). Then change the font size again by selecting the respecting links “A A A”.



Metadata are data that contain information about other data. In the case of Digi20 these are e.g. title, author/ed., publisher and place of publication. With the Metadata Search, you search directly in the metadata, not in the indexed full-texts of Digi20.

Phrase search

With a phrase search you can search for word sequences or subject terms. The search engine recognizes a phrase as a single term. The search query "Bayerische Geschichte" for instance, generates a search for the subject term "Bayerische Geschichte", not for the two single words "Bayerische" and "Geschichte". Your search results will contain only hits that include this exact word sequence. Within a phrase search you can use stopwords e.g. "Geschichte der Niederlande".


The relevance is generated with the help of a mathematical similarity of the search query and the document (here book). The importance of single words depends on their frequency in and on the size of the document.

Subject Authority File (SWD)

The Subject Authority File contains standardized terms that German libraries use in order to describe the content of a book. The SWD is administered by the German National Library in cooperation with several library networks.


A truncation is a wildcard character for any number of characters in your search query. It is especially useful, if different variations of a search word shall be considered.

Subject Heading

Ableitung <Linguistik> Adjektiv Altes Testament Althochdeutsch Altkirchenslawisch Altrussisch Anthologie Anthropologie Antijudaismus Antike Antisemitismus Apokalyptik Arbeit Aristoteles Aspekt <Linguistik> Ästhetik Ästhetische Wahrnehmung Aufklärung Aufsatzsammlung Augustinus, Aurelius Außenpolitik Bayern Begriff Benjamin, Walter Bibel Bibliographie Bild Bildersprache Biographie Bismarck, Otto von Blok, Aleksandr A. Blumhardt, Johann Christoph Brecht, Bertolt Brief Briefsammlung Buddhismus Bulgarien Bulgarisch Bürgerliche Gesellschaft Bürgertum Celan, Paul Christentum Christliche Sozialethik Das Böse Demokratie Derrida, Jacques Deutsch Deutsches Sprachgebiet Deutschland Deutschland <Bundesrepublik> Deutschland <DDR> Deutschland <Östliche Länder> Dialog Dogmatik Dostoevskij, Fedor M. Drama Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von Edition Eichendorff, Joseph von Einführung England Englisch Entwicklung Epos Erinnerung Erkenntnistheorie Erzähltechnik Erzählung Eschatologie Ethik Ethos Europa Europäische Union Evangelien Evangelische Kirche Evangelische Theologie Exegese Existenzphilosophie Fachsprache Familie Fernsehen Fichte, Johann Gottlieb Film Frankreich Französisch Französische Revolution Frau Freiheit Freud, Sigmund Frömmigkeit Fulda Geistesgeschichte Geistliches Drama Gerechtigkeit Geschichte Geschichte 1400-1600 Geschichte 1500-1600 Geschichte 1500-1800 Geschichte 1700-1800 Geschichte 1700-1900 Geschichte 1750-1800 Geschichte 1750-1950 Geschichte 1800-1900 Geschichte 1800-1960 Geschichte 1800-2000 Geschichte 1900-2000 Geschichte 1918-1933 Geschichte 1918-1945 Geschichte 1933-1945 Geschichte 1945-2000 Geschichte 200-1555 Geschichte 500-1500 Geschichte 550-1300 Geschichte 700-1100 Geschichte 800-1700 Geschichtsphilosophie Geschichtsschreibung Geschichtstheorie Geschichtswissenschaft Gesellschaft Gewalt Gewalttätigkeit Glaube Globalisierung Gnosis Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Goldbrakteat Göttingen Grammatik Grammatiktheorie Gregorius <Nazianzenus> Griechisch Großbritannien Guardini, Romano Handlungstheorie Handschrift Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Heidegger, Martin Heine, Heinrich Held Hermeneutik Herrschaft Historischer Roman Hofmannsthal, Hugo von Hölderlin, Friedrich Homerus Humboldt, Wilhelm von Identität Individualpsychologie Informationsgesellschaft Intellektueller Intermedialität Internationaler Vergleich Interpretation Intertextualität Islam Italien Jesus Christus Johannesevangelium Johnson, Uwe Juden Judentum Kanon Kanonisches Recht Kant, Immanuel Katechismus Katholische Kirche Katholische Soziallehre Katholische Theologie Katholizismus Kind Kirche Kirchenpolitik Kirchenrecht Kirchenverfassung Kloster Kollektives Gedächtnis Kommentar Kommunikation Kompositum Kongress Konkordanz Krieg Kultur Kulturwissenschaften Kunst Künste Latein Lehrbuch Leiblichkeit Lévinas, Emmanuel Lexem Liberalismus Linguistik Literatur Literaturtheorie Literaturwissenschaft Luther, Martin Lyrik Malerei Mann, Thomas Massenmedien Medien Merleau-Ponty, Maurice Metapher Mittelhochdeutsch Mittellatein Moderne Moraltheologie Morphologie <Linguistik> München Musil, Robert Mythos Nationalismus Nationalsozialismus Naturphilosophie Naturwissenschaften Neues Testament Nietzsche, Friedrich Osteuropa Pädagogik Paulus <Apostel> Personenname Phänomenologie Philosophie Philosophische Anthropologie Phonologie Photographie Pietismus Plato Poetik Politik Politische Philosophie Polnisch Postmoderne Povest' vremennych let Predigt Preußen Prophetie Prosa Protestantismus Psalmen Psychoanalyse Psychologie Quelle Realismus Recht Rechtsphilosophie Religion Religionsphilosophie Revolution <1848> Rezeption Rhetorik Roman Romanische Sprachen Russisch Russisch-Orthodoxe Kirche Russland Russlandbild Schlegel, Friedrich von Schmitt, Carl <Jurist> Schriftlichkeit Schriftsteller Schule Semiotik Serbokroatisch Slawische Sprachen Slowenisch Sowjetunion Sozialgeschichte Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands Sozialpolitik Sprache Sprachphilosophie Sprachtheorie Staat Substantiv Symbol Textgeschichte Theologie Theologische Anthropologie Theorie Tod Tolstoj, Lev N. Traumdeutung Tschechisch Ubersetzung Übersetzung Umweltethik USA Verb Völkerwanderungszeit Vorgeschichte Westfalen Wissenschaft Wissenschaftstheorie Wörterbuch Wörterbuch <mehrsprachig> Wortschatz Zeit